What Are the Common Questions Asked by Recruiters That You Must Prepare for An Interview?


When you apply for private jobs in India, it's important to prepare for your interview effectively. Apart from your field questions or questions related to your education, there are some common questions that hiring managers love to ask. Preparing these questions will help you understand what they are looking for in a candidate, what you need to say, and how you can stand out. Employers use Free job posting in India or company websites to post jobs. Candidates can research on the same platform to know more about the job and company.

 This guide will help you prepare for some common questions that a recruiter might ask.

 Here is the list of questions that you need to prepare:

 Can you tell me about yourself?

 It is one of the common questions in job vacancies that most recruiters ask to evaluate communication skills. The recruiters need to understand what you think about yourself on your Career trajectory. They need to know where you look for yourself in your career, in their company, after 5 years, and more. As a candidate, you need to share your career insights with examples that are relevant to the job posting. You can prepare a brief career summary including job roles, accomplishments, transitions, and goals.  For recruiters, it's a good idea to know about areas you are comfortable in.

 What is your current salary?

 The controversial questions for candidates, some candidates share way too much about past salary. Recruiters use this as a reference point for your salary expectations. It's one of the crucial parts where candidates mislead recruiters. The relationship between candidates and employers is built on trust. You should share your salary requirements as it is. Doesn't matter if it's less, if they, later on, offer you a salary similar to that, you can discuss it with them. Moreover, if you present more salary, and their salary range is less, they might reject you because you were receiving a high salary earlier.

 Are you actively working on other opportunities with recruiters?

 Working on different opportunities with different recruiters is acceptable in private jobs. However, it can sometimes act as a negative point that you are working on multiple applications with less progress. Rather than working on opportunities with different recruiters, working with different agencies is more reliable. Moreover, when it comes to disclosing opportunities where you are working, an honest response can help you. Not that they are going to reject you, but knowing where you are applying for jobs will come out as an honest candidate.

 What are your weaknesses?

 Often Candidates do not want to share their weaknesses, so in response to this question, they share things that are irrelevant. You need to share your strengths and weaknesses as a professional. By the end of the response, you can mention that you are working on this. If an employer asks a counter question- how are you working on it, be ready with an effective response. Give some examples, activities, or efforts that you put in on the weakness. Employers know that no one is perfect, so you can honestly share your strengths and weaknesses.

 Prepare questions from your resume

 When you use a free resume download, you need to know all the information you are including in your resume and prepare questions on that. A resume is going to be the foundation for employers to ask you questions. So, make sure you know everything you have mentioned on your resume.

 Final Thoughts: When preparing for the job interview, make sure you phrase and rehearse for common questions. However, do not copy-paste your answer from the internet. It should not look like cramming, add your touch to it.


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